Save The Date: June 25-26, 2021 The 2021 AREA 10 Conference will be Virtual. Since “virtual” allows us to think big, we did. Area 10 invited clinicians from around the globe. We start Friday night and will end by 3pm on Saturday. Friday night will spot light...
Check out the information on the Area 10 Events web page for this exciting virtual event. Four topics will be presented by a great line-up of instructors. Diane Barnes will work with us on perfecting our rhythmic skills, soloist Phyllis Tincher will share tips and...
SISKIYOU SUMMIT HANDBELL CONFERENCE VIRTUAL EDITION March 27, 2021 Clinicians: Barb Brocker, Ellie Hodder, Phyllis Tincher and Diane Barnes It is time to start thinking about getting back into the swing of ringing!
Pacific Ringers present Back to Bells Safely in Fall 2020 Saturday, October 9th, 9:00 am – Noon-ish Pacific Time Click here for workshop and registration...
June 27th, 7:00 pm PDT via Zoom Register (free) to attend this exciting workshop presented by Damien Lin (Ministry of Bellz) in Singapore. Click here to view the flyer and to register. Registrants will receive an email with the Zoom meeting...
This is an election year for Area 10. Two Board officers will be elected this year: the Chair-elect and the Secretary. The Chair-elect serves a 6 year term: 2 as chair-elect, 2 as chair, and 2 as past-chair. The Secretary serves a 4-year term. If you or someone...